Aug 27, 2022

Congratulations on getting your driver’s license! This is one of those moments in life that you will never forget. Driving is like any skill, as you get better with practice. We want to give you some tips that we share with all new drivers who’ll be driving in Bowie, MD.



3 Tips for New Drivers Driving in Bowie, MD

Don’t Use Your Cell PhoneCar on highway | Bowie, MD

Cell phones are a marvelous invention; they’ve changed how we live our lives. We now have access to more information than ever before, and we can stay in contact with everyone we know 24/7. Unfortunately, cell phones are also very distracting. A ringing phone, text notification, or social media update is guaranteed to draw anyone’s attention.


Driving requires complete concentration, which means putting your cell phone out of easy reach. If you answer the phone or respond to a text while driving, you could be placing yourself and others in danger. An accident can happen in seconds, and if you’re concentrating on driving, you’ll most likely avoid it.



Avoid Road Rage

We’re sure you won’t have road rage, but we’d like you to know what it is and how to avoid it if you see it in other drivers. Road rage is highly aggressive driving and combative behavior by a driver. Sometimes this takes the form of tailgating another vehicle or flashing lights at the vehicle in front of them. Some aggressive drivers will even pull alongside to yell at another driver.


There are many reasons someone may be exhibiting road rage, but the most important thing is to avoid them. If, for example, another car is tailgating you, use your turning signal and move into another lane, if possible, to allow the aggressive driver to pass. Don’t engage with aggressive drivers, as this can lead to a confrontation.



Practice As Much as Possible

Now you have your license, but you may still feel apprehensive. Driving is a learned behavior; the more you practice, the more confident you will become. Every driver was once in the same position as you, and they also felt nervous at times. Take as many opportunities as possible to drive, even if it’s only for a short distance.


Driving in rainy, dark, or snowy conditions can also help to boost your confidence. These are some of the most challenging situations you will encounter as a driver, and mastering them will make driving in good conditions far easier. Take an experienced family member or friend with you to give you extra guidance if you need it.


If you’d like more driving tips or to get hold of a sweet new ride, come and see us at DARCARS Honda.