Dec 17, 2021

Driving on a highway is stressful enough without the rage of other drivers. Often it’s easy to only focus on the vehicles around you. Still, aggressive drivers will catch your eye once in a while because of their tailgating, speeding, or otherwise risky behavior. As a responsible driver, it’s essential to know how to handle yourself and others on Maryland roads.


1.    Stay CalmCars Driving on Street | Bowie, MD

When you find yourself dealing with a driver who is beginning to behave aggressively toward you or other vehicles on the highway, the most critical thing you can do to protect yourself and others is to remain calm.


Road rage does not happen spontaneously; often, that person has been having many frustrating things happen throughout the day, so it is also essential to try not to take their anger personally. The calmer you can be, the easier it will be to handle the escalating situation.



2.    Do Not Honk Your Horn

When another driver makes unsafe or abrupt choices with their vehicle, your instincts may make you want to use your horn. But honking your horn at an already unsafe driver can lead to an even more dangerous situation. Use your horn conservatively, as repeatedly blaring your horn may cause the driver on the receiving end to become even angrier.



3.    Allow Them to Pass You

When you’ve come across an angry driver, a great option is to just allow them to pass you. If the driver is not fixated on you and just wants to pull ahead, let them.


This way, you will not have to continue dealing with them on the road or risk putting yourself into a potentially dangerous situation. If a driver is tailgating you or constantly switching lanes to get ahead, it’s best to let them go around you since you don’t know when or if that driver’s behavior will escalate.


4.    Avoid Eye Contact

When you let an aggressive vehicle pass you, do your best to avoid eye contact. Eye contact can often intensify the situation. Staring down the aggressor, or making obscene gestures toward them, will only lead to more frustration. Allowing them to pass by peacefully and keeping your eyes on the road will give you the best chance at removing yourself from the situation.



5.    Report Them

When a dangerous driver proves to be a threat to you or those around you, reporting them to highway patrol may be your only option. A blatantly aggressive driver can pose a risk that needs to be addressed.


Often drivers are more prone to road rage in frustrating situations such as holiday traffic or general road congestion. Still, drivers behaving aggressively can appear at any time of day and on any road. Irritated drivers can quickly become dangerous drivers. Call or come by DARCARS Honda today and let us show you all of the safety features on your Honda that are designed to keep you secure and protected, or you can always check out our model research pages to learn all about your favorite models.