Apr 8, 2022

A car’s battery has the vital duty to supply the power to start your engine. When your car is at rest, the battery also provides the power to maintain the alarm, dash lights, and other systems. A battery will eventually reach the point when it can’t be recharged. When you need a new car battery in Bowie, MD, your Honda dealer can install a new one. These are some signs that it’s time for a new battery.


Faulty AlternatorCar Battery Service | Bowie, MD

One of the functions of the alternator is to recharge your battery. When your engine is running, the crankshaft turns and produces mechanical energy. The alternator is disconnected to the crankshaft via the alternator belt, turning this mechanical energy into electrical energy. The energy is then used to power your car’s electrical systems and maintain your battery at full charge.


An alternator is designed to last for many years, but it will eventually start to weaken. The weaker your alternator becomes, the less electricity it will produce. If the alternator is not replaced, it will fail and stop producing electricity. Without a constant supply of electricity, your battery will drain and die.



Parasitic Drain

As we’ve seen, your battery maintains several electricity systems when your car is parked. A healthy battery has more than enough power to retain them until you start your car again. A problem occurs if one of the electrical components that should shut down fails to switch off. Several possible culprits can be responsible, including the light in your glove box and the inside light in your trunk.


If one of these components doesn’t switch off, it will continue to consume power, known as parasitic drain. When your engine is switched off, your battery has no way to recharge, and it will start to lose power. If your car worked perfectly last night and your battery is dead today, the most likely cause is a parasitic drain. Our technicians have the technology to find the component that drains the battery and replace it.



Slow Starting

When you turn the key, the battery sends a large electrical charge to the starter solenoid to start your engine. If you try and start your engine, and you merely hear a sad click-click, your battery is probably failing. When your battery ages, it loses some of its recharging capability. A weak battery won’t have the power to start your engine immediately, and it will need extra time to build up the required power.


Your battery may not be the problem, and it could also be the fault of a weakening alternator or a damaged starter solenoid. Our expert technicians will examine your car and repair the problem.


A worn-out battery could leave you stranded. To prevent that from happening, contact us at DARCARS Honda. Our technicians will replace your dead battery, and you’ll be on your way again in no time.