Apr 7, 2023

If you’re a car owner in Bowie, MD, it’s essential to monitor your car’s oil levels as part of routine maintenance. Checking your oil levels regularly can help ensure your engine is running smoothly and prevent costly repairs down the line. Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to check oil levels in your car: it’s a simple process that can help you keep your vehicle in top condition.



Locate the DipstickOil being poured into engine | Bowie, MD

Before you begin, ensure your car is parked somewhere level, and the engine is cool. It’s best to wait about twenty minutes after the car has been turned off. Once you’re ready, locate the dipstick. It’s usually a brightly colored loop-shaped handle sticking out of the engine block. It may be located in a different spot in some cars, so consult your owner’s manual if you need clarification.



Check Oil Levels

Pull out the dipstick and wipe it clean with a cloth or paper towel. Then reinsert it back into the dipstick tube and make sure it’s pushed in all the way. Pull out the dipstick again and take a look at the oil level. The dipstick should have two marks: a “low” mark and a “full” mark. Ideally, the oil level should be between these two marks.



When To Add Oil

If the oil level is below the “low” mark, it’s time to add more oil. Check your owner’s manual for the recommended oil type and amount for your car, and add a little bit at a time until the oil level is between the two marks on the dipstick.



Overfilled Oil

You may have overfilled the oil if the oil level is above the “full” mark. This can lead to problems with the engine, so it’s important to drain some of the extra oil out. You can do this yourself if you know how, or you can take your car to a mechanic to have it done.



Make It a Habit

It’s important to check your oil levels regularly, at least once a month, and to change the oil and oil filter according to your car’s recommended maintenance schedule. That way, your engine will stay lubricated and run as smoothly as it’s supposed to.



Get Help From Your Local Dealership in Bowie, MD

Establishing a relationship with the service department at your local car dealership can be a great idea. You can feel more confident knowing that any potential problems with your car will be caught and addressed promptly. Plus, building a relationship with your local dealership’s service department can be a great way to stay informed about any upcoming maintenance needs for your car.


 Checking your car’s oil levels is an easy and important task that every car owner should know how to do. By following these simple steps, you can help keep your engine running smoothly and hopefully avoid costly repairs down the road. To meet your new favorite mechanic, contact DARCARS Honda and schedule a service today!